Luna Mukherjee, Chair, Kansas City Branch
Kay Meyer, Kirkwood-Webster Groves Branch
Nancy Hutchins, Kirkwood-Webster Groves Branch
Mable Davis, Ballwin-Chesterfield Branch
Karen Francis, Ballwin-Chesterfield Branch
JoAnn Jones, Nevada Branch
Genevieve Gibson-Newman, Ballwin-Chesterfield Branch
Jan Scott, St. Louis Branch
Sally McGowan, St. Louis Branch
Diane Ludwig, Columbia Branch
Carol Cox, Boonville Branch
Gail James, Kansas City Branch
Sharon Posson, Kansas City Northland Branch
April McArthur, Parkville Branch
Sue Raymond, Independence Branch
Sue Shineman, Independence Branch
What Is Its Purpose?
The purpose of the Committee is to help achieve AAUW’s organizational goal to improve diversity awareness and inclusion within its membership. The Committee works to ensure that inclusion and equity activities among its members are closely aligned with AAUW strategic priorities and, in so doing, supports the board and leadership in advancing inclusion efforts as an organization.
What Does It Do?
- Conduct its responsibilities for the purpose of making nonbinding advice and recommendations to the board and its committees.
- In collaboration with the AAUW National Chief Administrative Officer, engage in planning events and activities designed to help members enhance diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality awareness and appreciation;
- Create and maintain a I & E Toolkit to serve as an ongoing resource for how to attract and retain a diverse membership through programming and community outreach and serve as a resource for training;
- Provide additional resources and training to members to assist with building competencies around inclusive behaviors;
- Where appropriate, partner with the Member and New Audience Engagement Subcommittee on ways to reach new and diverse audiences and help ensure that AAUW programs address and reflect issues of intersectionality;
- Assist other AAUW committees in incorporating inclusion and equity into their work;
- Recommend priorities and provide guidance in the design and implementation of other programming, trainings, webinars and other activities to help AAUW members gain the interest, knowledge and skills necessary to meet the needs of and reflect the diverse communities served by the organization;
- Support AAUW affiliates in the implementation of diversity and inclusion efforts;
- Develop an annual action plan to carryout Committee responsibilities;
- Recommend metrics for diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality goals within AAUW’s strategic plan;
- Recommend to the board for its approval policies and guidelines on diversity, inclusion, and equity;
- Engage in a process of ongoing & collective learning focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and intersectionality and report to the board on such activities and learning.
- At least every other year, review and assess the effectiveness of the Committee and this charter;
- Carry out such other responsibilities as may from time to time be assigned to the Committee by the board.