


January 8 is Art Contest Time!   The annual AAUW Art Contest begins January 8.

January 8 – Branch Impact Survey Deadline   In early December, the second annual branch impact survey was mailed to affiliate leaders. Like last year this survey is a great opportunity to share branch accomplishments over the last fiscal year with the national office so we can better share the holistic impact AAUW has nationally and in local communities. Additionally, the impact survey will also serve as the application for the FY23 Five Star Recognition Program. Full instructions were included alongside the survey questions for all branches interested in participating.  If you wish the survey to be sent again, please contact Tremayne Parquet at

January 16 – Branch President Focus Group (Zoom): Thursday Jan 16 (note new. Time @  2:00 pm-)

January 23 – EVENT: Legacy and Impact: Lobby Corps
The National Legacy Circle Liaisons are hosting a special online event for Legacy Circle Members and Champions of Women and Girls on January 23, at 6 pm EST. Invitations will be sent to all Legacy Circle Members and Champions via email. Interested in joining the Legacy Circle? Email

January – Proposed bylaws change for Open Membership vote More details will be available in  January.

January 27 – AAUW MO Board Meeting (Zoom) 9:00AM – 12 Noon

NCCWSL 2024 REGISTRATION OPENS: NCCWSL 2024 registration is open. Each year, AAUW hosts college women from around the country for three days of leadership training, inspiration, and networking at our National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL). This year’s conference will be in the DC metro area May 30 – June 1, 2024.

February 24 – AAUWMO Legislative Retreat (Zoom), 9:00am-11:30am

July 20 – AAUW MO Board Meeting, Columbia